The White Game -
Achieving Peak Performance With The Power Of Presence
The state of mindful inner balance that top skiers reach during a breakthrough performance comes from being fully present in a natural flow of actions. This ecstatic, harmonious experience isn’t limited to sports professionals but reflects a possibility that anyone can learn to bring fulfillment and joy in their life.
The White Game will help you discover how to overcome your fears while developing awareness through feeling your actions. With total clarity you can achieve a peak experience while flying down a mountainside. You will also discover practical ways to remedy the ever-increasing stress and noise that is constantly bombarding us, cultivate a deep connection to the world around you and discover the happiness waiting behind every breath.
This unique approach uses simple methods to reach these objectives and will show you how to increase your sense of presence while developing confidence to face life’s challenges. This isn’t only about achieving a top result in a ski race, but also making every moment meaningful and fulfilling.
Nirvana Blues
In the early seventies Steve Jobs went to India looking for a Yoga teacher. When he didn’t find him Jobs said: ‘It doesn’t matter – I believe Thomas Edison did more to change the world by inventing the light bulb than that teacher and Karl Marx put together so I’m going home and invent things to help people.’ This true story was the inspiration for the novel Nirvana Blues.
James Montage is a visionary entrepreneur in the early days of Silicon Valley who is conflicted about pushing to make his company a commercial success while trying to find personal peace from his study of Eastern philosophy.
At the same time the local farmers who are fighting to protect their orchards from being turned into industrial parks are opposing him. James falls in love with Maria, the headstrong daughter of a prominent farmer who is leading the protests and while trying to respect both interests he ultimately jeopardizes his relationship with both Maria and his team.
Stephen Collins, who travelled with James to India to find a yoga teacher, is in Southern California trying to succeed in the film and music scene. He’s working on a modernization of an Indian epic he believes will spread a positive message. Looking for success he discovers the dark side of the entertainment industry while attempting to remain true to his efforts of self-discovery.
‘Greasy’ Greg is a hipster auto mechanic and yoga teacher from the same neighborhood as the two main characters, acting as the cheerleader for the group. He encourages everyone to find the cool place inside as he tries to keep the rapidly fading optimism of the time alive until an accidental death triggers a guilt driven downward spiral.
As the three friends drift apart they each end up getting lost in their respective universes and only after being brought back together by a couple of life threatening situations do they ultimately find the inner peace they are looking for.
Ich habe die letzten Tage zwischendurch frei gemacht und weil ich ein neugieriger Mensch bin habe ich die Zeit genutzt, um Dein Buch „Nirwana Blues“ zu lesen.
Ich habe es in einem Zug gelesen, es hat einen eigenen Sog, ist sehr gut geschrieben, spannend, mit feinem Witz und spiegelt den damaligen Zeitgeist treffend.
Es hat mich auch persönlich beschäftigt, da es einige Berührungspunkte zu meinem eigenen Leben gibt: Der Spirit der 70iger ist auch an mir und meiner Familie nicht spurlos vorbeigegangen, im Guten wie im Schlechten: Die beschriebenen Ideale prägten uns gleichermassen (bis heute), die Konfrontation mit schwierigen Realitäten ebenso, die zitierte Musik spiegelt das damalige Lebensgefühl und war täglich präsent, und Vieles mehr.
Das Buch hat mich zum Nachdenken gebracht, vor allem aber zum Erinnern, u.a. an die Kraft der Jugend, die wir uns ja vor allem im Geiste zu bewahren versuchen sollten.
Kurz: Danke für das gute Buch!
Lieber Gruss
MD - lawyer, Zurich
Nirvana Blues now available in German language
English version coming to a bookstore near you in late summer 2020.
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Comment by Bill Rogers |
Nice layout and interesting story.